Medications – Lynda


Lynda talks about the hope that new medications bring.


Every day there’s new medications coming out. And I think that people have to be hopeful cause I really believe that with some of those, those drugs, I’m on a drug that I inject every 15 days for cholesterol and my cardiologist said he thinks one day that stuff should be in baby bottles. Because it’s that clean and it’s that good. And it replaces, with the exception of about ten milligrams, it replaced your statins, and statins are nasty. I mean you know everybody complains about them. Very few people don’t complain about statins. So, and as persons with heart failure we usually have to have them. So, yeah. Like I said it’s, it was a long journey. I don’t, I mean my heart is not failing anymore but that journey was the toughest I went through compared to heart transplant.

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